Tag: New York Personal Injury Lawyers

MTA Accidents

(Image from ABC7NY.com)

MTA Accident Injures Several People

It seems like everyday we see terrible MTA bus accidents that involve serious life changing injuries. At least ten people were injured in New York City when an MTA bus smashed into an overpass as it jumped the curb. You can read the ABC New York, channel 7 story here.

Innocent MTA bus passengers are injured when MTA bus drivers that are supposed to be watching the road drive negligently. Under New York law, when an injured person has a claim against the MTA, the city of New York, or other government agencies, you must file a Notice of Claim with the city within 90 days after the accident. The Notice of Claim must have sufficient detail for the city to investigate your claim and prepare for litigation.  A previous article on this website, found here, may add incite to the Notice of Claim process.  Personal injuries caused by negligence on the part of municipalities, their departments like the MTA or the employees of municipalities can result in sizable compensation.  Liability for these personal injuries obviously play a large role in the strength of a case and damages (the type and extent of the injury) as always will determine the amount of compensation that will be awarded to the victim.
Having the right legal representation could mean the difference between recovering a monetary award for your injuries and dismissal of your case.  Taking the time to find an attorney that you are comfortable with and who understands the nuances of personal injury litigation is an investment that can pay off big in the long run.

Personal Injury Attorney in Mineola

If you or someone you are concerned about have been injured in a motor vehicle accident of any kind, especially one involving the MTA or another municipality, call the Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC at 516-858-2620 today. Remember, successful litigation is no accident.
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Dangers of Gravity on Construction Sites

On July 30, 2015, in Litigation, Personal Injury, by John A. Weber IV, ESQ.

Gravity and Construction Sites

The obvious thought that comes to mind when thinking about how gravity can play an important role in construction site injuries is a construction worker falling to the ground from an elevated position.  An equally important and equally dangerous scenario arises when objects fall from an elevated position.  The New York Courts have placed an emphasis in ensuring that adequate safety devices are employed when hoisting or lifting materials so that the materials remain secure and the danger to the workers below is decreased significantly.  Rocovich v. Consolidated Edison Co., 78 N.Y.2d 509, 577 N.Y.S.2d 219 (1991).

In a perfect world, proper safety devices would always be used on construction sites.  In the real world, however, construction companies are focused on maximizing profits.  This means that timelines must be followed and deadlines must be met.  Sometimes in all the haste, safety protocol and procedures are ignored.  The New York Courts have taken an interesting perspective on the harm caused by falling objects on a job site.  In Runner v. N.Y. Stock Exch., Inc., 13 N.Y.3d 599, 604, 895 N.Y.S.2d 279, 282 (2009), the Court of Appeals turns the focus of whether “..the harm flows directly from the application of the force of gravity to the object.”  Under these guidelines, actually being struck by the object may not even be a prerequisite to a cause of action.

Labor Law Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in a construction accident, please call The Law Firm of Vaughn & Weber, PLLC at (516) 858-2620 to speak with a Labor Law attorney today!

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Motor Vehicle Accident Decision

In an important motor vehicle accident decision in January of 2014, the Appellate Division affirmed a summary judgment for the defendant in Lee v. D. Daniels Contr., Ltd., 2014 NY Slip Op 00487.  This case centered around an interesting question, to wit, Does a parties conduct in furnishing the conditions for the accident also make that party a proximate cause of the accident?  Based on this decision the answer is surprisingly, not necessarily.  Causal relationships have everything to do with liability in personal injury cases.  This case also shows us that it is important to keep up with current case law in order to evaluate the likelihood of success for a particular matter.  Automobile accidents are very intricate and should be evaluated by an attorney.

Personal Injury Attorneys in Mineola

As always, if you were involved in an automobile accident and want to speak with an experienced attorney, call The Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC at (516) 858-2620 today!

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