Tag: Construction Accident Legal Help Nassau County

Construction workers have to put their lives on the line every day to earn money for their families. The risk factors involved in their jobs are very high and unpredictable. Accidents strike like a bolt from the blue and bring many problems to their lives that affect them and their families in a variety of ways. An experienced construction accident attorney in the Bronx can help.

Yes! You are reading absolutely right!

If you are a construction worker then you should read the following.  Construction accidents cause injuries capable of turning the course of your life completely upside-down. An attorney can protect your financial and professional interests with their knowledge and experience of Labor Law. Some key benefits of hiring an experienced construction accident attorney in the Bronx are:

  • You get legal assistance in fighting for compensation for medical bills and rehabilitation costs related to your injuries.
  • They can help you distinguish workers’ compensation claims from third-party personal injury actions.
  • They can help organize and conduct a proper investigation to gather all of the necessary evidence required to protect your interests.

Legal assistance in these cases is always important for you and your family’s needs. It is because your financial, as well as professional interests, are safeguarded in consideration of the legal complications that can negatively impact your possible recovery.

The list of benefits from hiring construction accident attorneys in the Bronx is not limited to the benefits mentioned above.

If you are a construction accident victim looking for the right legal counsel, you should consider these things. You should focus your search for someone who is experienced enough to advise you in the right way.

The Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC, a group of experienced construction accident attorneys, can give you the right advice to help move your case in the right direction. You can come to us with your case or call us anytime.

Let’s talk and see what we can do for you!

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Construction Accident Lawyer Queens
Construction Workers
Img Src: https://abc7ny.com/

Construction workers in all parts of the world risk their lives at job sites. They normally deal with a lot of life-threatening challenges to earn money for their families. Not surprisingly, many of them suffer serious injuries, or worse, due to construction accidents.

An incident like this occurred in Manhattan when a worker lost his life in a construction accident.

What happened?

This construction accident happened on Saturday. The location of the accident was near Grand Central Terminal.

  • The deceased was working a job at 553 Madison Avenue.
  • He fell to his death from a height of roughly 30 feet.
  • The victim was immediately rushed to Bellevue Hospital.
  • Doctors were unable to save the victim.

What about the identity of the deceased?

The police have still not revealed the identity of the deceased. However, one thing the police have confirmed is his age. According to police reports, he was 49 years old.

Keep coming back to our website to receive more updates about this case. Labor Law §240 is in place to allow recourse to those injured due to falls from elevation or injured by objects falling from height.  These gravity related accidents are particularly dangerous and hazards that the New York legislature thought to protect workers from.  If you or a loved one are injured in an elevation related accident like the one described above, call the Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC at 516-858-2620.  We are here to help.

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Labor Law Sections That Construction Workers Must Know About
How Labor Law Section 240 Protects Construction Workers

Construction Accident

The construction industry is a very dangerous industry for trade workers who often put their life and safety on the line when they go to work and risk construction accidents. In large cities such as New York City where new high rises are constructed on a weekly basis, developers, business ventures, owners, general contractors and sub contractors often place the bottom line ahead of worker safety. Most recently on September 1, 2016, we saw what can happen when owners and general contractors put money above safety. Two workers were severely injured when an “I” beam fell from the floor above where they were working and struck them. One workers leg was severely fractured and another worker fell through the floor onto the floor below suffering significant personal injuries.  Click here to see the story.

A construction accident is often times a catastrophic accident for the victim and their family.  The heavy machinery and dangerous conditions can be complicated by the failure of the contractor and subcontractors to follow safety protocol.  The laws in this area are complex and increases the importance of speaking to an attorney experienced in these matters.

Construction Accident Attorney

When this happens to you or a loved one, you need someone who will fight to obtain the compensation you deserve. Please call the Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC at 516-858-2620, where an attorney with a proven track record of holding responsible parties accountable for their negligence can speak with you about your case.

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Dangers of Gravity on Construction Sites

On July 30, 2015, in Litigation, Personal Injury, by John A. Weber IV, ESQ.

Gravity and Construction Sites

The obvious thought that comes to mind when thinking about how gravity can play an important role in construction site injuries is a construction worker falling to the ground from an elevated position.  An equally important and equally dangerous scenario arises when objects fall from an elevated position.  The New York Courts have placed an emphasis in ensuring that adequate safety devices are employed when hoisting or lifting materials so that the materials remain secure and the danger to the workers below is decreased significantly.  Rocovich v. Consolidated Edison Co., 78 N.Y.2d 509, 577 N.Y.S.2d 219 (1991).

In a perfect world, proper safety devices would always be used on construction sites.  In the real world, however, construction companies are focused on maximizing profits.  This means that timelines must be followed and deadlines must be met.  Sometimes in all the haste, safety protocol and procedures are ignored.  The New York Courts have taken an interesting perspective on the harm caused by falling objects on a job site.  In Runner v. N.Y. Stock Exch., Inc., 13 N.Y.3d 599, 604, 895 N.Y.S.2d 279, 282 (2009), the Court of Appeals turns the focus of whether “..the harm flows directly from the application of the force of gravity to the object.”  Under these guidelines, actually being struck by the object may not even be a prerequisite to a cause of action.

Labor Law Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in a construction accident, please call The Law Firm of Vaughn & Weber, PLLC at (516) 858-2620 to speak with a Labor Law attorney today!

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