Tag: Construction Accident Attorney Hempstead

Construction accident can result in fatalities for victims. For those who do not suffer this fate, the injuries suffered affect the entire course of life. That’s right! These severe injuries can result in the loss of limbs or bodily function, or a reduction in the victim’s ability to perform daily routine tasks and earn money. Extreme weather conditions, heights and heavy-duty machines are some things that increase the chance of a life-threatening accident at construction sites.

These accidents can affect a victim’s personal, family and professional lives in many ways. This is exactly where our experienced construction accident lawyers prove their value in a victim’s life by protecting their financial interests. Before moving further, it is important to know the factors that lead to fatal accidents at construction sites.

Some reasons for construction accidents:

According to the experienced construction site attorneys in the Bronx, below are the leading factors behind construction accidents:

  • Scaffolding/decking malfunction
  • Defective machinery
  • Crane and heavy equipment accidents
  • Falling heavy objects and machinery
  • Failure to use proper safety equipment
  • Slips and falls from heights/roofs/ladders
  • Machinery’s collision with construction workers
  • Fall into trenches or some other areas that are excavated
  • Failure to comply with Industrial Codes

How construction accident attorneys help victims?

Most importantly, this is the key thing you should seek an answer to. Life after a construction site accident changes significantly for the victim. How? Let’s see below:

  • You can die.
  • You can be injured badly resulting in time and money spent in the hospital.
  • You could be in a coma.
  • The expense of your recovery, medical and healthcare procedures can affect you, as well as, your family’s financial life.
  • You lose income because you are not able to go to work unless you recover fully.
  • Your ability to work and earn is reduced due to ongoing conditions.

More to the point, you need someone who can safeguard your financial interests to help make sure you have money available to handle your daily needs, and the needs of your family. This is where the Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC, a group of experienced construction accident lawyers in Bronx, Queens, Nassau County, Brooklyn, New York, Manhattan, Long Island, and Staten Island, can help you move in the right direction.

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Construction Accident

The construction industry is a very dangerous industry for trade workers who often put their life and safety on the line when they go to work and risk construction accidents. In large cities such as New York City where new high rises are constructed on a weekly basis, developers, business ventures, owners, general contractors and sub contractors often place the bottom line ahead of worker safety. Most recently on September 1, 2016, we saw what can happen when owners and general contractors put money above safety. Two workers were severely injured when an “I” beam fell from the floor above where they were working and struck them. One workers leg was severely fractured and another worker fell through the floor onto the floor below suffering significant personal injuries.  Click here to see the story.

A construction accident is often times a catastrophic accident for the victim and their family.  The heavy machinery and dangerous conditions can be complicated by the failure of the contractor and subcontractors to follow safety protocol.  The laws in this area are complex and increases the importance of speaking to an attorney experienced in these matters.

Construction Accident Attorney

When this happens to you or a loved one, you need someone who will fight to obtain the compensation you deserve. Please call the Law Firm of Vaughn, Weber & Prakope, PLLC at 516-858-2620, where an attorney with a proven track record of holding responsible parties accountable for their negligence can speak with you about your case.

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